well, hello there!
We’re Patrick and Linn, the two driving forces behind the Fermentary. After letting the idea (dream?) brew and ferment for some years, we finally made the decision to launch our shop and fermentation haven.
Since we are big fans of naturally fermented products and their health benefits (not to mention the taste!), we’ve had the pleasure to get to know some of the fantastic makers in and around Amsterdam. And the great news is that there are many of them! So many passionate makers who are brilliant at what they do.
Something that was missing, though, was a place that collected all these amazing products and makers under one roof. Amsterdam has no shortage of deli shops (which is great!), but there was yet not really a hub for all things wild fermentation. This is how the idea of the Fermentary was born.
We are not makers (OK, we do ferment our own things at home, but those are just for personal use… so far). Think of us more as curators. Our aim is to collect and curate the best naturally fermented products, with focus on organic, local, and seasonal ingredients. Next to that, you’ll also find starter packs, fermentation jars, books and other educational and inspirational content in our shop. Last but definitely not least, we host workshops, tastings, and other events. In short, a one-stop-shop for all things in the realm of natural fermentation.
We are just getting started (our webshop is coming, and until then we offer pre-order with pickup in-store at the Zonneplein) but the way we see it the sky’s the limit. We also love to hear what other products you would like to see in the Fermentary - it’s more fun if we build it together! Either way, see you soon!
The Fermentary is located on Zonneplein in Amsterdam Noord. We’re aiming to have more regular opening hours but for now feel free to let us know in case you’d like to swing by on a day/time when we’re not usually open.